Another checked list > Set Up a School: Kampung Inggris Sumatra : Harau Valley English School
Right after Utrecht (March 2018), I set up this English School in my hometown, Harau Valley English School. People know it as Kampung Inggris Sumatra, Kampung Inggris Harau or Kampung Inggris Sumatra Barat. It's been 1,8 years then. It's an English course with accommodation that is not only to teach English but also to spread awareness and information about Environmental and Global Issues as well as Sustainable Development.
There are more than 1000 people that have been joining and learning here and we keep counting. I also would like to say thank you to my friends especially Pedro Videira Ricky Crocamo Amrullah Rafioeddin Judit Planas Puig Muhammad Q Rusydan Natasha Ramadan etc, family, coworkers Eji Fauziah Putry Rahmadani Sefri Naldo Ilham Saputra etc and international volunteers Lenny Bube Robin Will Luke Wetherall Waïl Hamman Stepan Lastuvka Nizar Harith Ernest Vic Lisa etc who help me lots with the school.
It's nice to meet thousands of interesting people and to talk about subject that you like to them.
This video explains better I guess, 2019 at a glance! Enjoy!
BTW, send us postcard please
Motivate the students here!
Here is the address:
To: Pavesh, Kampung Inggris, Jl. Raya Tarantang, Sarilamak, Kec. Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat 26271

Here is the address:
To: Pavesh, Kampung Inggris, Jl. Raya Tarantang, Sarilamak, Kec. Harau, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat 26271
For more info about my school:
Instagram Kampung Inggris, Website Kampung Inggris dan Facebook Kampung Inggris!
Selamat Berkelana!
Semoga kita bersua :)
In case you would be interested by this material when talking about SDGs.